A professional with a passion for computers
My name is Jean-Baptiste JUGE, I am 34 years old.
Passionate about computer hardware since the age of 15, I have assembled and disassembled several hundred computers, for all purposes. Today, as an entrepreneur in websites and natural referencing on Google, I am now looking to make my passion my profession.
I have a strong taste for technology watch (the fact of doing research constantly to be aware of the latest developments).
Fallen into reconditioning
I’ve been visiting refurbished professional computer shops since I was 18. I discovered that there was a real parallel market for professionals!
Cheap high-end computers, screens half the price of new ones, ultra durable equipment, the general public is unaware of it, but the professional computer is a real machine designed to last (exactly like our grandparents’ washing machines!).
15 years later, after having advised many clients, friends and family, I decided to share my know-how with a larger number of people: the fusion of reconditioned professional equipment and new equipment, to build reconditioned gamer PCs with an unbeatable quality/price ratio!

A project on a human scale
With Céline, my partner, we decided to take this project as far as possible, because it defends values that are dear to us.
We hand build gaming computers for all our clients, with attention to detail, in our small workshop in the Toulouse region.
We are the Artefact clan
Customers from all over Europe discover our concept every day, we accompany them in the choice of their ideal reconditioned PC, for themselves, for their children, for their relatives.